Please read carefully the following terms & conditions of our website. Every time you use our website you automatically agree with the terms & conditions included in this page.
In case you don’t agree with the terms of our website, you are kindly requested to leave this page.
Everyone that has the capacity to exercise rights, has the right to use this webpage. Usage of this website by people under the age of 14 years old is permitted with the approval of the adults having their custody and being responsible for them. People who are under the age of 14 years old are not allowed to use any individual page or service of this website which, according to the law, is referred to adults.
Our company is not responsible for any use of the website by users/visitors that do not satisfy the requirements of the terms & conditions.
I undeniably agree with the following terms & conditions :
The company is allowed to terminate all the services of this webpage temporarily or permanently, for any reason at any time. It is also allowed to modify or renew the current terms & conditions. At any of these cases the company is obliged to inform its customers about the changes.
In case the use of any service of this webpage is regulated by special terms, they will apply along with the current terms & conditions. In case there is a disagreement between the special and the current terms, then the special terms of every service will preponderate.
The content of this webpage (texts, graphics, photographs, source code, news, information, data, logos, trademarks, product names, company names etc.) is exclusively copyrighted by the company or the procurers of it and it is regulated by the national, communal and international applicable provisions for copyrights.
Copying, reproducing, transmitting, saving, altering, republishing, distributing, selling, downloading, translating, disseminating or any other usage of the content of this webpage for any reason is not allowed either partially or concisely, without the written permission of the company. The company reserves its rights against everyone for every legal and/or contractual right in addition to those referred in this paragraph.
All the other trademarks, product names, company names, graphics, logos etc. that are copyrighted by other companies and appear at this website belong to their legal owners and they are the ones responsible for their usage. Their appearance at this website does not mean that they can be used by others without permission.
The users/visitors of the website accept and agree that they will use this webpage according to the law and they will follow the conduct codes prescribed by the law and published on this page. The user of the page is obliged to desist from any illegal use of the website’s content as well as not proceed in actions that can cause damage or malfunction at the webpage or other users. He is also obligated to desist from actions that can harm or put the services of the company in danger.
The users agree that they will not use the webpage for the following reasons :
To cause damage at any other person, adult or juvenile.
To get access at users’ personal data in order to disseminate, alter or misrepresent them.
To put the company’s network security in danger.
The user/visitor has the sole responsibility for the proper use of the website as well as the responsibility for any damage caused to him or to any other person due to improper use of the webpage. He is also obligated to compensate the company for any malfunction caused by illegal or improper use of the website.
In any case of illegal action or any action done against these terms & conditions, the user is obliged to compensate the company for any damage done by his way of using the website.
The company makes the best effort so as the information, the content as well as the services of the website are specific, articulate, intact and updated. The company also makes the best effort for the good operation of its network. However it does not give assurance that the operation of the website, the servers and/or other websites, which transmit its content, will be good, continuous and free from viruses etc. Therefore the company has no liability for any possible damage caused at the users of the website that is related to their way of using the webpage.
Under no circumstances is the company responsible for the content/services, hyperlinks or advertisements of other webpages updated on the website. In addition, the company does not give assurance that the content of other webpages, appearing in the website, is available. It also has no responsibility for any possible damage caused by the use of other webpages’ content since the user has access to them with exclusive personal responsibility.